Cea mai bogata colectie de jocuri pentru toate gusturile impartite pe categorii.
Puteti alele dintre urmatoarele categorii de jocuri: jocuri de actiune, jocuri cu impuscaturi, jocuri de strategie, jocuri pentru copii, jocuri de logica si multe altele.
Aici aveti cel mai bun mijloc de relaxare fie ca sunteti la serviciu, fie ca sunteti acasa, sau in alte locatii. Cu noi veti uita de plictiseala.
Desert Battle
Shoot your enemies in the sand with your rockets and missles before they shoot you! Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 34485 ori
Castle Cat 2
Collect as many coins as possible without being run over or jellyfished to death. Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 27328 ori
'Go around shooting as many people as possible, and try and save yourself from inevitable destruction.' Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 38343 ori
Death Planet
Fly through a canyon and blow up as many x-wings as possible without being shot yourself. Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 25224 ori
Free Mars
Move your player around and take out all the martians with your gun before they shoot you and kill you. Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 28524 ori
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