Cea mai bogata colectie de jocuri pentru toate gusturile impartite pe categorii.
Puteti alele dintre urmatoarele categorii de jocuri: jocuri de actiune, jocuri cu impuscaturi, jocuri de strategie, jocuri pentru copii, jocuri de logica si multe altele.
Aici aveti cel mai bun mijloc de relaxare fie ca sunteti la serviciu, fie ca sunteti acasa, sau in alte locatii. Cu noi veti uita de plictiseala.
A Navle Battle
'Watch the wind, and fire your boats cannon to hit the enemyEach team takes turns firing at the other with canons,you have to hold your mouse down on the blinking yellow button until your adj' Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 6791 ori
3D Space Skimmer
'Fly around through space but avoid the asteroids and alien ships that shoot at youmThe point of this game is to avoid blowing up,to do this, you must dodge the broken ares of the surface and' Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 6027 ori
3 Foot Ninja
'Cool online fighting game, great fun is to be had by allFighting Swing Sword: A Throw Stars: S Jab Sword: D Movement Jump up: arrow up Flip Right: arrows up,and right Flip Left: arr' Joaca acest joc, CLICK AICI
Joc adaugat de :: Jucat de 9220 ori
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